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Feminism’s real service to women: what real feminism stands for

Your feminist leaders prefer you to be raped than to be protected from rape:


Feminists in Sweden have launched a new campaign against men that wants to protect women from being raped.
FEMINISM | So, no doubt you have all heard about taHarrush by now, the Islamo-Arabic rape game. You might also have heard about the backlash against the people engaging in this behavior in Stockholm, where 200 men put their viking-genes to use by physically attacking these “refugees”.

What you probably have NOT heard about however, (or find hard to believe) is the feminist outcry (surprise surprise!) against these noble berserkers. Indeed, the rage was so great, they created the hashtag #inteerkvinna (translated as #notyourwoman) where they spewed their hatred over racism, fascism, white men and many other things that can be loosely tied to the events with some cognitive dissonance. In short, they made a collective tantrum on social media over the fact that white European men are standing up to the rape-fugees.

The whole thing culminated with the statement “It’s YOU I’m afraid of!” where the feminist in question is now fantasizing about afraid that some tall, good-looking nationalist will sexually harass her in the streets.

Why is it always that women who are at least risk are the ones to make these claims…”

Feminists riot against protecting Motherland


Other ugliest news show that Western country might actually happen to be the last country to protect your human rights, first and foremost – your right to be a woman at all. Because your feminist leaders expect you somehow overcome your woman’s fragility and “protect yourself yourself”, they also make sure you get bruised during rape and it be maximum violent and mutilating – they are trying to implement it BY LAW:

“In Germany, it’s perfectly legal to kiss someone without her consent, grab her breasts, or fondle her genitals in a public space as long as she doesn’t fight back. An editor of a German feminist magazine told BuzzFeed that German law “accepts that a man generally has the right to touch a woman, to have sexual intercourse with a woman. It’s his right, unless the woman shows her resistance very, very strongly.” If the assailant touches a woman’s genitals quickly, before she has time to resist, he’s in the clear.

Moore reports that, to prevent sexual assault cases that pit the alleged victim’s testimony against the alleged perpetrator’s, there must be physical evidence of forcible sexual assault to constitute a crime:

As far as the law is concerned, verbal consent isn’t really the issue. The law focuses instead on the overwhelming force of the perpetrator, requiring that there be a “threat of imminent danger to life and limb.” For a court to rule that a woman was raped, and the justice system to put a rapist behind bars, a woman must physically, exhaustively resist her perpetrator. If she can’t prove with her body—with bruises or other injuries—that she fought back, the assault isn’t really a crime.”


Feminists are actively lying that women are somehow not what nature created them to be and somehow “could protect themselves if they really wanted not to be raped”:

“After the attacks in Cologne, the mayor of Cologne suggested, in the words of the New York Times, “that women can protect themselves from men on the streets by keeping them more than an arm’s length away.” In the mayor’s words: “It is always possible to keep a certain distance that is longer than an arm’s length.””


Police use gas canisters, which are illegal in Germany for self-defense, to stop an action against mass rapes in Cologne of men trying to protect their women – look how actively the German government is fighting against the protectors of Motherland!

Feminists are actively starting to wear hijab on occasion to protect islam in their own countries:

“Some feminists in the West insist that the veil—not just the hijab, but also more restrictive coverings such as the burka—should be seen as not only benign, but actually empowering. Meanwhile, campaigners like Ayaan Hirsi Ali, who draw attention to the suffering of muslim women, are turned into pariahs. There is a shocking double standard: forms of oppression that Western women would never accept for themselves are excused when they are imposed on women in the muslim world.”


“Hijab 2.0

Burgeoning feminist movements are especially vocal online. Just like many other social movements in the 21st century, women are using social media in particular to address gender inequalities in society.

Their digital activism is proving effective. In September 2013, Birmingham College reversed its face veil ban after a Twitter outcry that argued for a woman’s right to choose her attire. Similarly, online campaigners played a part in pressuring FIFA to lift its ban on hijabs on the football field.

Some celebrate the hijab as an emblem of female inclusivity. The Safra Project, a group that advocates for lesbian, bisexual, queer and transgender Muslim women’s rights is one. It claims hijabs and burqas are part of a Muslim woman’s queer identity. Its members want to embrace their sexual identity with the help of Islam rather than be forced to choose between the two.”


While European feminists are busy fighting against human rights of their own women, women from moslen countries wonder what these cunts are doing:

“In 2016, there was a march in Washington D.C. billed as a “Women’s March” during which millions of women paraded down the streets in the name of women’s rights—some of them carrying posters of a woman in hijab. As a woman who risked her life to remove that hijab off my head, I was furious at how people could be so ignorant as to appropriate a tool of female oppression as a symbol of women’s freedom. The Islamist propaganda was so successful that these well-meaning women, who seemed like bright and educated individuals, actually bought the lie that this tool of misogyny was a symbol of women’s empowerment.

More of you now share in my rage—now that you know about Mahsa Amini and have seen the Women Life Freedom protests in Iran. Now that you have seen women burning their hijabs in the streets and protesters being gunned down by the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps, many of you can comprehend how grotesque it was to wave a hijab at a Women’s March.

But at the time, you didn’t know. You were useful idiots of a very large, very powerful, and very well-funded propaganda machine.

I tried to tell you. For the past seven years, I have been singing the same tune to anyone who would listen. I wrote articles, spoke on countless podcasts, went on the nightly news in countries across Europe, North America, and Asia, my message clear: Beware this alliance between the liberal Left and the Islamists.

In 2019, I published my book Unveiled with a clear subtitle: How Western Liberals Empower Radical Islam. I used my own story growing up in Canada in an extremist family who married me off to an Al Qaeda terrorist to illustrate this unholy alliance between the radical Left and the radical Muslims. I risked my life to tell you all this. I understood that I could potentially be putting myself and my whole family in danger to get this message to you. I did my best to tell as many kind-hearted, altruistic Westerners that they were being duped and being used as useful idiots.”

– Yasmine Mohammad

“Women in the islamic world already know this is a problem and that’s why they are fighting.

The problem, however, is that [in the western world] feminists are undermining these efforts.

– Yasmine Mohammad

Yet there is a much more important thing Western feminists care about than the one Yasmine fights against – to make a man out of a woman, just so much more important:

“I hate the stereotype that “men have to protect women”

Here you have answers of actual feminists and you see HORRIFIC AMOUNTS of anti-historical lies such as men never put women and children first and only under guns put them in boats from Titanic. Then they endlessly force lies that women are not little cute beings nature created them that 100% rape cases in Europe fully prove. Tons of anti-biological anti-historical lies – only to somehow explain a reason for modern White men to not protect women from rape – for this alone they are literally willing to invent whole new bogus “biology” and whatever bogus reason:

Opinions of feminists should women be protected from rape or not

Can We Please Stop Saying Men Are Protectors Of Women? Modern women don’t require protection; they require partnership and love. (Tell it Iranian atomic bombardiers, jewish cunt!)

“Partnership and love” under feminism – enjoy feminist paradise without man’s protection:

Why is White Race dying

Enjoy love and partnership by a feminist:

“We can do it, Kamau… journey begins with a first step, we must end the so called white race”.
“We can do it, Kamau… journey begins with a first step, we must end the so called white race”.
Here is an answer on what exactly transformation “MUST” take place.
​- I don’t understand people who try to tear down [some video] Spectre: - they are xenophobic racists scared of competing in a multicultural society, when they become a minority the world will be free”
​They are xenophobic racists scared of competing in a multicultural society, when they become a minority the world will be free.
What is White Race? Define it for me? It is 18th century social construct of privileged aristocrats.
Being jewish is tangible unbroken form of identity going back 3000 years. Whiteness is a construct of 200 ybp
Israel is tiny nation with only 8 million people. We can’t take too many immigrants because we depend on aid as it is.”
No no, not here, to Sweden please