With the help of jesus christ, liberal kikes were successful in destroying justice system and reverse it into its pure opposite in those countries that let them do it. “The last will be the first and the first will be the last”, “resist no evil”, “turn another cheek”. And this is exactly what they succeeded in right now. Namely, there are some number of European countries that can’t deport terrorists just because they are terrorists and there is a possibility that in their home country they might be put to justice. Since those tolerant can’t tolerate even the very possibility that terrorists answer for their actions, Europe gives them lifelong asylum. Just for being terrorists.
Finland and Sweden. Lifelong asylum for terrorists.
English translation: Terrorists get lifetime asylum because they are terrorists!
Finland and Sweden have created an asylum catch 22: you can’t deport terrorists because they might get executed for being terrorists.
ISIS-twins story: Joukkomurhasta syytetyt kaksoset vapaaksi 1,5 vuoden vankeuden jälkeen – “silmät kostuivat”
Malmö story: Malmön ISIS-polttopulloiskun tekijä vapaalle
Britain. The terrorist we can’t deport because of his human rights
Ministers are powerless to deport a convicted foreign terrorist who has lived in Britain for 12 years even though he has lost a long-running legal battle for refugee status, The Telegraph can disclose.
Although France was able to expel the Algerian, British ministers are unable to deport AH because it would breach his human rights.
The Muslim man, who can only be identified by the initials “AH”, fled Algeria before being sentenced to death in his absence for his role in a bomb attack on Algiers airport.
He was later convicted in France of further terrorism offences but has been able to live in Britain since 2001 after coming here as an asylum seeker.
Although France was able to expel the Algerian, British ministers are unable to deport AH because it would breach his human rights.
Senior judges have now ruled AH is not entitled to asylum, and therefore has no right to be in this country, but because he faces a “well founded fear of persecution” in his homeland he is likely to remain here indefinitely.
It is understood the 50 year-old Algerian is still in Britain and his lawyers are planning to appeal against the latest court decision, meaning more expense for the taxpayer.
Three foreign terror convicts who cannot be deported
A new report reveals up to 28 foreign terrorists have resisted deportation using the Human Rights Act, including three men below:

Baghdad Meziane, Siraj Yassin Abdullah Ali and Ismail Abdurahman have all been convicted of terrorism-related offenses.
Baghdad Meziane 49, Algerian
Meziane was jailed for 11 years in 2003 and his deportation ordered in 2009 following his release. Meziane has successfully avoided deportation using the Human Rights Act over his right to a family life and fear of mistreatment in Algeria. He is connected to the terror cell that murdered 17 people last month in France through a close Algerian friend who mentored the Paris cell.
Siraj Yassin Abdullah Ali was brought up by the same foster parents in London as Yassin Omar, one of the co-conspirators behind the failed bomb plot in London on July 21 2005.
He lived in a flat directly above Omar and sheltered his friend and other plotters when fumes from Omar’s flat, where they were making the bombs, overwhelmed them, forcing them to flee.
It was disclosed in 2011 that Ali had been released from jail and was living in a bail hostel in London, free to walk the streets.
Government officials were prevented from deporting Ali due to the Human Rights Act because of the threat of him facing ‘inhumane treatment or punishment’ in his native Eritrea.
Ismail Abdurahman 32, Somalian
In 2011, he won an appeal to prevent his deportation to his native Somalia on human rights grounds after judges ruled there were fears for his safety.
Germany. Here we have other excuse – our citizens have to accept being murdered and raped because terrorist have no documents.
REVEALED: Germany can’t deport terrorists because they don’t have ID needed to return home
TERRORISTS cannot be deported from Germany because they do not have the proper documentation needed to legally return to their home countries.