Zohar (1, 160a): Jews MUST ALWAYS try to deceive Gentiles.
Schabbouth Hag (6d): Jews may swear falsely by the use of subterfuge wording.
“And they (the disbelievers) schemed, and Allah schemed (against them): and Allah is the best of schemers.” – Qur’an (3:54)
Ah, Lord GOD! surely thou hast greatly deceived this people. Jeremiah 4:10
For this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie. 2 Thessalonians 2:11
Because of being steeped in, believing in, and living a lie, in the advanced stages of Christianity, the Christian takes on an artificial appearance and begins to look like the lie:
The well-known pasty look with the smiley mask. The lie emerges in the physical self. – Exposing christianity
Liberalism is Christianity without the Christ
Liberalism, Islam, Christianity and Judaism, Feminism look like some “very opposite” fronts, while they all are all united by one simple thing – PATHALOGICAL LIE. Another thing they share is they all are invented, operated, ruled and owned by ethnic racial jews. Pathological Lie has jewish blood running through its veins.
Diversity, cultural enrichment, freedom of religious expression etc. beautiful terms which can be seen protected and promoted almost in every article about destruction of Palmira, Mosul, Nimrud and other cities in the ISIL’s occupied territories by muslim savages. You can find terms like ethnic cleansing, intolerance of any kind etc. – when it comes to genocide of Yazidi, Pagan religion and Ancient cultures in the Middle East.
But when it comes to Europe and the West the same things – ethnic and racial cleansing, genocide, purges, and intolerance against native European Culture – became those very terms of “cultural enrichment and diversity” that those mourning Palmira fight for. While it is Pagan White Europe, not those muslim abrahamic savages of desert, who is the main inheritor of Ancient Sumerian and Greek Culture – it is easily proven by their architecture, art and all those reliques muslims mainly target to destroy.
Note Corinthian columns, beloved Greek column style.

The architecture as well as all other arts was given to us by our Pagan Gods [Demons]. Just read Goetia to see the proof. When I first read Goetia I was amazed how useful and helpful to humans were those Demons while jewish god and his angels whom they were supposed to “obey”, were so damn worthless and of totally no use for his people, but only demanding worship. The art of theater is also granted by Gods of the Old. As well as specific architecture for the theater:

Nevertheless, liberal jew-censored press tolerates calling Palmira bombing and Yazidi genocide “cultural cleansing”, while the very same things going on in Europe it demands to call “cultural enrichment” and “needed transformation” [last term used by Jewess Spectre].
Such things:
“There Is No Native Swedish Culture.”
— Jewess Ingrid Lonfors, official working for Swedish government.
“I think that’s what makes many Swedes jealous of immigrant groups. You have a culture, an identity, a history, something that brings you together. And what do we have? We have Midsummer’s Eve and such silly things.”
— Jewess Mona Sahlin in a speech to the Turkish youth organization Euroturk, March, 2002
…are not called neither “intolerance” nor “chauvinism” nor any other term they usually use against us. But “speeches” and “official workings for government”.
O Lord, thou hast deceived me, and I was deceived. Jeremiah 20:7
To tell honestly, with the above kike quotes you have been DEFINITELY and very gravely deceived. You literally have kikes telling exact opposite to the reality in front of you, right into your face. I want to relate some articles exposing how blatant this lie is, taken from the wonderful site http://www.whyileftsweden.com.
Mona Sahlin’s Anti-Swedish rants
“I think that’s what makes many Swedes jealous of immigrant groups. You have a culture, an identity, a history, something that brings you together. And what do we have? We have Midsummer’s Eve and such silly things.”
— Mona Sahlin in a speech to the Turkish youth organization Euroturk, March, 2002. Source
“I hate everything that is genuine, typical Swedish.”
— Source: Expressen July 26, 2002.
“If two equally qualified persons apply for a job in a company with few immigrants, the one who is named Mohammed shall have the job.”
— Source: Göteborgs-Posten on 22 October 2000.
Here she is, Mona Muslim, in all her anti-White glory:
I think that Mona actually thinks Swedish culture and history is the Christianized Maypole and the imported Italian meatballs. I don’t think she understands that there is more. In her mind she probably doesn’t know, she hasn’t seen it and therefore it doesn’t exist. She hasn’t bothered to find out either of course. The atheist, science and socialist indoctrination commonly refereed to as “education” that Mona suffers from has most likely never included anything megalithic. She in most likely doesn’t know about the magnificent past of Västra Götaland, the land of the Goths. The country where ALL of the ancient kings of “Sweden” were born and are buried.
But who knows, maybe she does know … and she hates it.
She hates Kiviksgraven.

She hates Ekornavallen

And never mention Anundshögen to her – she’ll be furious!

These sites pale a bit in comparison to Göbekli tepe (update: not anymore as we now have our own 11 000 year old site discovered at the southern tip off Sweden) [see below], but I doubt that THIS is the place Mona thinks about when she mentions the “wonderful Turkish heritage”. She only probably thinks about the Mosques and the Islamic expansion. How these “feminists” have come to embrace such a misogynistic religion is beyond belief. Maybe her hatred for Sweden and the Swedes overrides it, she’ll use any force she can to destroy the object of her hate … by using another fucked up religion. Sweden has fought long and hard to resists Christianity. We didn’t really win, the Christianity that invaded and colonized our lands and our minds have just transformed into the Calvinistic “scientific” dictatorship that we suffer from today. Now the Swedish people are being smashed between a rock and a hard place. We’re now getting a taste of the two other psychotic parts of that insane trinity called the Abrahamic religions: Judaism and Islam! Aren’t we lucky.”
Swedish Divers Unearth ’Stone Age Atlantis’, Ancient Relics from 11,000 Years Ago
In a compelling find, divers in Sweden have discovered an ancient underwater site, and recovered relics dating back to the stone age [my note: the so called “stone age”, “Iron age” etc is how jewish historians call the time of blossom for our Ancient Aryan Pagan Civilization to which the megalithic monuments of this article goes back to]. The discovery, deep beneath the Baltic sea, is described as one of the earliest Swedish settlements, but rarer still as the people of the time were all nomadic and without traditional villages, thus the finds are ’one of a kind’.
The relics are apparently in remarkably well preserved condition due to the water and the black, gel-like ’Gyttja’ sediment. The divers have unearthed items such as animal bone carvings, flint tools animal horns, and even rope.
The site’s age, 11,000 years, is on par chronologically with the much recognized and celebrated Turkish site – Gobekli Tepe. The Baltic site might not be as elaborate in terms of what has been discovered so far, but more work needs to be done to see what is actually down there. So far, the silence from Swedish authorities and the cultural departments is astonishing. There’s no recognition or encouragement of this find. Perhaps this is because Swedish authorities are loathe to recognize Swedish accomplishments, and even admit to ’hating’ Swedish culture, and all things to do with Norse history.
This is all the more reason to shine a spotlight on the hidden history of the deep Baltic site and the ancient peoples who came before.
More on these incredible discoveries below…
Swedish divers unearth a ’Stone Age Atlantis’: 11,000-year-old ancient settlement discovered under the Baltic Sea
By Victoria Woollaston | Mail Online
[…]Archaeologists believe the relics were left by Swedish nomads 11,000 years ago and the discovery may be evidence of one of the oldest settlements ever found in the Nordic region.

Divers in Sweden have discovered a rare collection of Stone Age artefacts buried beneath the Baltic Sea, pictured. Archaeologists believe the relics were left by Swedish nomads 11,000 years ago and the discovery may be evidence of one of the oldest settlements ever found in the Nordic region, dubbed ’Sweden’s Atlantis’
Some of the relics are so well preserved, reports have dubbed the find ’Sweden’s Atlantis’ and suggested the settlement may have been swallowed whole by the sea in the same way as the mythical island in the Atlantic Ocean.
The artefacts were discovered by Professor Bjorn Nilsson from Soderton University, and a team from Lunds University, during an archaeological dive at Hano, off the coast of Skane County in Sweden.
Buried 16 metres below the surface, Nilsson uncovered wood, flint tools, animal horns and ropes.
Among the most notable items found include a harpoon carving made from an animal bone, and the bones of an ancient animal called aurochs.
Aurochs are ancestors of modern-day cattle and lived through Europe before becoming extinct in the early 1600s. The last reported auroch died in Poland in 1627.
This find is significant because it suggests a date for when these items would have been used.
Many of the artefacts have been preserved because the diving location is rich in a sediment called gyttja.
Black, gel-like Gyttja is formed when peat begins to decay. As the peat is buried, the amount of oxygen drops and it is thought this lack of oxygen prevented the organic artefacts from being lost.
Nilsson told The Local: ‘Around 11,000 years ago there was a build-up in the area – a lagoon of sorts – and all the tree and bone pieces are preserved in it.
‘If the settlement was on dry land we would only have the stone-based things, nothing organic.’
The dive was part of a three-year excavation partially funded by the Swedish National Heritage Board.
Archaeologists are continuing the dig, and are now particularly interested to see whether there is also an ancient burial site in the region.

The artefacts were discovered by Professor Bjorn Nilsson from Soderton University during an archaeological dive at Hano, off the coast of Skane County in Sweden, marked at A. The dive was part of a three-year excavation partially funded by the Swedish National Heritage Board
Atlantis is the name for the large island or continent said to have been swallowed up by the Atlantic Ocean centuries ago. An artist’s illustration is pictured. Tales of the mythical island first appeared in books by Greek philosopher Plato around 370BC – although the remains of the island have never been found
This would add weight to the claims it was once a settlement location that has since been lost at sea.
If the region was a settlement, it would have similarities with Atlantis – the mythical island first referred to by Greek philosopher Plato.
Atlantis was said to have been a large island, or even a continent, in the Atlantic Ocean that sank and vanished almost overnight.
However, this underwater civilisation has never been found, and many claim Plato either made it up, or the location was not in the Atlantic Ocean.
Other claims suggest the island may have been near modern-day Santorini, off the coast of Greece.
Nilsson is quick to dismiss the claims the settlement is ‘Sweden’s Atlantis’, however, stressing that the Swedes at the time would have been nomadic.
This means that the settlement may have only been temporary, and that a village never permanently existed on the site – unlike the mythical Atlantis.
Source: Mail Online
Please note that this is off the coast of southern Sweden and not too far from Scandinavian’s “stone henge” Ale’s stenar.”
For those who are so badly culturally enriched, that do not know what is Ales Stenar…
Ale’s Stones (or Ales Stenar in Swedish) is a megalithic monument in Skåne in southern Sweden. It is a stone ship, oval in outline, with the stones at each end markedly larger than the rest. It is 67-metres long formed by 59 large boulders, weighing up to 1.8 tonnes each.
The carbon-14 dating system for organic remains has provided seven results at the site. One indicates that the material is around 5,500 years old whereas the remaining six indicate a date about 1,400 years ago. The latter is considered to be the most likely time for Ales Stenar to have been created. That would place its creation towards the end of the Nordic Iron Age.
Video of Ale’s stenar with Viking song about Odin
The Midsummer’s Eve that jewess mocked at, is our Pagan Summer Solstice Holliday, both which and Beltane has traits showing the link to Sumerian Culture, such as name Baal / Bel everywhere, for example Baal-fire. Beltane – Bel Tane.
For more information on Pagan Holidays click here
“There Is No Native Swedish Culture”
What’s this, Ingrid?
Runes are based on star constellations and go back tens thousands of years to the birth of humankind. Pay attention in this and below – how many depictions of the Serpent / Dragon of Satan [Kundalini], serpent-like lines [energy pathways?] and Equal-Armed Crosses [the form of the Soul] are left for us by our Ancestors on those Runestones. The runestone with red Serpent is called “the Shape of the Soul”.
“There Is No Native Swedish Culture” – Ingrid Lonfors
Ah, Lord GOD! Surely thou hast greatly deceived this people!
“I think that’s what makes many Swedes jealous of immigrant groups because… you have a culture,
an identity,

a history,
something that brings you together”…
Yes, Mona, our Culture and Civilization really brings them together when it comes to destroying it.
This is what brings them together:
This is what brings them together:
This is what brings them together:
This is what truly brings them together in allah:
… “Slay / massacre / behead / exterminate etc those who insult islam… Islam will dominate the world… Freedom go to hell… Europe, you will PAY, your 9/11 is on its way… Europe you will PAY, fantastic4 / demolition [and many more other words] is on it’s way… America, you will pay… French army, you will PAY… Europe, you will PAY…”
One moment. Pay for what??……………………..
… “Boycott Denmark’s products… British police home grown terrorists… Google is worldwide terrorist… Sharia to Netherlands… Sharia for the UK… Sharia for France… Veil is liberation… Islam is coming to Denmark… British soldiers go to Hell…”
“Germany will be Islamic state!!!!” – Merkel…………………
Hey Merkel, what were YOU doing in this demonstration??………………………..
… “Europe you will come crawling when Muhammad will come roaring… Be prepared for the real holocaust… Europe, take lessons from 9/11… Muslims can kill and die in honor of the prophet… Prophet is dearer to us than our own children… Democracy is a cancer… Freedom of speech is a cancer… Europe is a cancer…”
Wait. “Europe is a CANCER”??………………………
It’s amazing how the most famous symbol of Melek Taus / Shaitan / Satan – Peacock – was popular among German and Italian aristocracy being Eastern symbol. As well as other symbols such as Tower and Caduceus which are both of the Serpent. It is notable our true Gods such as Astaroth (Venus / Aphrodite) and Thoth (Mercury) were popular in their art and architecture.
… Freedom of speech go to Hell… Freedom of expression go to Hell… Freedom at all go to Hell… Liberalism go to Hell… Democracy go to Hell… British police go to Hell… Denmark go to Hell… Nuke Nuke Denmark… We want Danish blood… Orphan their children… Widow their women… USA go to Hell… UK go to Hell… Everything go to Hell…
Sorry, who is cancer?
“ok I think that’s what makes many Swedes jeal…”
Jews tell us…

that we have no our own culture…

no history…

no heritage…

that the only thing we have is that “Midsummer’s Eve and such silly things”…

Jews say we need THIS to culturally enrich…

And our cultural enrichers tell us…

that we are “spineless people with neither honor nor pride”… – ISIL fighter under false name “abu ibragim”

While our feminist government which protects our woman rights tells us…

that it is we, Whites, who are the problem [Mona Sahlin]…

that it is we, Danish girls, who need learn muslim rules [Karin Helweg-Larsen]…

that we have not yet learned how to be multicultural [Barbara Spectre]

that we must realize that we live in a multi-cultural society and adapt ourselves to it [Unni Wikan]…

And for such protection of our woman rights they want us pay by denying the love of our Aryan Men…

because otherwise we “betray our own sex” [Tiina Rosenberg].
And to give free kisses for our rapists and murderers…
Do you know what I want to say?

It is Tiina Rosenberg who betrays her own sex inviting million rapists!
It is Unni Wikan who needs to adapt her multiculturalism to Aryan Norway!
It is Karin Helweg-Larsen who needs better learn Danish rules!
It is Mona Sahlin, who is fucking problem and needs crawl back to her Israel!
[btw, Mona, I hate everything that is genuine, typical jewish, so fuck off of my country ASAP]
It is Merkel, Hollande, Obama and the ilk who are “spineless people with neither honor nor pride”
And it is “abu ibragim” with its farting brethren who are a CANCER!
And do you know what I want to say to Spectre??…

That I want to have more than 3 children, because having big Aryan family with powerful sons and fruitful daughters will protect my life, my Race and my Heritage much more than your anti-life feminist teachings!

That I don’t need your abrahamic pedophile programs on my Scandinavian ground to “culturally enrich”…

That it is you and your people who always need cultural and other enrichment, as far as you lived your life parasitizing on other nations, therefore have nothing of your own, and even your bandit state of Israel was stolen from Palestine and belongs to Gentiles…
Do you know what else I want to say?
I think there is a resurgence of anti-Aryanism in Israel because at this point in time Israel has not yet learned how to be multicultural. And I think people of Europe are going to be part of the throes of that transformation, which must take place. Everyone must face the fact Israel is not going to be a dominant jewish state they were in recent decades.
Aryans are going to be at the center of that. To become a state dominated by hordes of mohammedians is a huge transformation for Israel to make. They are now going into a multicultural mode and Aryans will be resented because of our leading role. And with this transformation, and with this leading role, Israel, as we know, will cease to exist!
