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Jews admit: Osama bin Laden, Al-Qaeda and all terrorism is jewish and created by Israel according the Protocols of Zion to fight Gentile nations


[Below in the excerpt of the letter of Australian jewess to, we hear right from the jewish mouth all proof that all terrorism in the world is jewish and created by Israel according the Protocols of Zion to fight Gentile nations / “Amalek”]

Bali, Australia & The Mossad
By Rose Cohen
Sydney, Australia

It could be that Moslems really did the Bali bombing, but I doubt it, it’s too perfect.

To be honest, I speculated that something would happen against the Australians after our PM broke the total international isolation of Bush and Blair. EVERY SINGLE AUSTRALIAN whom I talked to, disagrees with our government – AND I MEAN EVERY SINGLE AUSTRALIAN including the Editorial of the Sydney Morning Herald…..this has NEVER happened before!

As ABC National Australia Radio and many Australian papers mentioned, our government practically invited such a terrible event by ‘sticking our neck out’ far beyond ANY international codes of behavior. As a result, we lost a one billion dollar Wheat deal with Iraq, while our ‘friends’ the Americans are increasing their taxes on Australian farm products!!! Outrageous? NO, Mister Rense, this is the ‘normal’ international code of behavior which selfish Bush and his NWO mob are trying to impose on the rest of the world.

Israel, IMHO tricked Australia, and forced our government into supporting Bush blindly in order to generate Islamic hatret towards Australia. Once this hate is established the rest is ‘clear sailing’ and they can use their Mossad contacts among radical Moslem groups to blow up Australians. These are CLASSIC MOSSAD PROTOCOLS. Now Bush can easily request the Indonesian government (which is in his pocket to the tune of $600 million dollars at least – and Australia trained Indonesia’s military) to “join the war against terrorism”. This tactic is NOT a speculation, it is written almost word for word in the Protocols Of The Elders Of Zion. Many efforts have been made to dismiss the Protocols as a hoax…frankly, it matters not whether they are or aren’t because of their astonishing reflection of reality. Read them and decide for yourself.

Israel has an advantage that NO other country has (not to mention unlimited, free American money): Israelis can SPEAK Moslem languages just as good as the local Moslems do. Mossad networks inside Moslem countries have had a lot of publicity in the past, but whatever we heard is just the tip of an iceberg. The Mossad can ‘motivate’ any Moslem group to become ‘terrorists’…since they have all the ‘spiritual’ justifications for it: THE AMERICANS ARE REALLY THE BASTARDS. The Mossad does not have to work hard to convince the Moslems about the ‘bad’ Americans: Bush, Giulliani, Condoleezza and Fox News are doing it VERY well.

The poor, unsophisticated Moslems will never realize who is really pulling their strings. And the whole thing is, of course, being financed with unlimited American taxpayer money. Saddam got his BioChem WMD supplies and instructions from America and the Mossad is using American money to control the

US. It is all quite brilliant and few will ever figure it out. Make NO mistake about it….and if you want to sugar-coat it to quiet your conscience….do it, and call it what you wish. And don’t forget, Sharon is the only current head of state who was found responsible for war crime massacres (Sabra & Shatila, 3000 dead Palestinian women and children) by a commission of his own Israeli government !!!

Israel has a network of spies worldwide among Jews living in these countries too. I MEAN IN ALMOST EVERY COUNTRY WORLDWIDE. Think carefully about that. Read what an ex-Mossad agent has disclosed:

Israel has a SPY INDUSTRY which is unparallel worldwide. Israel is leading the world by its nose towards WW3 and most gentiles have no brain to realize it:

As Sharon and Bush just reaffirmed in the White House, Israel will let Bush and the US fight a war for it, removing Saddam and taking Iraq’s oil. Bush said he expects Israel will retaliate if attacked by Iraq. Who knows, Israel may nuke Iraq AND the Americans in the upcoming Desert Storm II …EXACTLY as it did with the USS Liberty.

The reason I continue to maintain that it was probably a Mossad-involved operation in Bali, is because of the perfection ‘job’…it takes a Jew to understand the Zionist mind as reflected in the reviled ‘Elders’. Without reading this officially scorned and hated book, no one can EVER understand the Mossad and/or Israel. This is why we in Israel have been always forbidden to read the Protocols and the government maintained a 50+ year campaign among Israelis to discredit the Protocols as a fraud. I had an Israeli professor as a guest in my house recently here in Sydney. He, too, was absolutely certain The Protocols are a fraud, but he readily admitted that he has NEVER read them! When I commented that whether the Protocols are legitimate or not, we Jews have actually behaved and accomplished almost 100% of what is written in them. He could not believe it. Ignorance is bless, I guess he can sleep at night. However, in the interest of fairness to the professor, I should add that in the last 45 years of my research in this subject, I have yet to meet a single Israeli who actually read the Protocols.

The Moslems are often emotional and unsophisticated…rather lousy ‘material’ for terrorists. They bomb and then usually declare to the whole world that they did it.


Most of what we read about al Qaeda and bin Laden is a CIA/Mossad fiction, always based on fictional ‘informed sources’. Al Jazzeera is now a CIA asset (based on my research). IMHO, they are designed to funnel hatred towards bin Laden and stimulate the fictional ‘terrorism’ mania gripping American now.

BIN LADEN IS JEWISH, full stop. A very close friend and a MOST eminent Israeli journalist told me recently, that according to Jewish law – bin Laden is Jewish, as his mother is Jewish(!).

AND — if that is not enough, this irrefutably honest Israeli journalist, disclosed to me personally that bin Laden’s mother’s family lives in Israel (I will not print here the exact address which he provided me). I knew that bin Laden was Jewish long time ago, but with the current war hysteria I never mentioned to anyone except to my husband. The fact that bin Laden is Jewish, is known in Israel, but the ‘free’ ‘democratic’ ‘press’ of Israel will NOT publish it, as we have to continue to promote the myth that he is a ‘villain’.

Actually, I will not be surprised if bin Laden is living now in Israel, and the Mossad is ‘laughing all the way to the bank’ ! When Israel and Bush finally will control all world’s countries, I am confident that bin Laden will be invited as an honored guest.

We (should I say they?) the Jews NEVER brag about what we are doing, and the public (here and in Israel) is totally innocent and uninformed about the amount of terror that we are manipulating and releasing on the whole world at the moment.

The strategy is simple: attemt to make our enemies suspect each other and then

fight it out. It saves us the work. Keep in mind that our enemies are ANYONE WHO IS NOT JEWISH.

The “USS Liberty” nearly happened again in the attempted bombing of the Mexican Congress some months ago and the Jewish-controlled American ‘press’ never even reported it. Only you Mister Rense, saved the honor of America, by being the only one in the American-English press to post it.

The Mossad was somehow involved in the 9-11 attacks…another “USS Liberty”? and NO ONE WOULD BELIEVE IT. (Even when those Mossad kids were caught dancing with glee on Manhattan roofs! What more do you want?). As usual, ‘by chance’, both Barak and Netanyahu, former Israeli Prime Ministers, ‘just happened’ to be in the USA at the time. They conducted a massive speaking tour all over the USA and appeared on every TV program which agreed to accept them. THEY, NOT Bush, launched the “war on Terror”….when the WTC iron was still hot. But then, Americans never realized what was happening under their noses because they never read the Protocols!

NO ONE WILL EVER BELIEVE IT IF THE ZIONIST PUPPET MASTERS WOULD BE INVOLVED IN NUCLEAR TERROR ATTACK ON LOS ANGELES, PARIS OR SYDNEY….just wait. Americans will jump like lemmings off the cliff. believing every word they hear on Fox News and CNN.

As I always said, we are now in a neverending cycle of destruction, a proven recipe for world Zionist domination:

1. We are always told to trust the ‘news media’.

2. The ‘news media’ tells us to trust the politicians.

3. The politicians are always using the old trick of saying that they base their decisions on information from the ‘intelligence agencies’. IMHO, most American politicians are on the Mossad payroll or are certainly otherwise compromised by Zionist/Israeli lobbies and

power brokers.

The vote in the Congress giving Bush war powers over Iraq is INDISPUTABLE EVIDENCE for those who maintain American ‘representatives’ are nothing more than American traitors. Consider that the few who have the integrity to discuss it admit phone calls to their offices are running about 90% against the Iraq war. One honest Congressman admitted last week that his phone calls are 99 to one AGAINST Bush’s war.

4. The ‘news media’ NEVER tell the public that the Intelligence agencies are usually at the core of the problem as these agencies are the ones which invent such trickery as ‘The Gulf of Tonkin’ and the vile ‘Operation Northwoods’. These treasonous acts and many

others like them are done at the behest of the NWO-Zionist-Banker-Transnational cartels.

5. Spending tremendous time on search engines, I can sense that the Mossad is spending a LOT of effort to remove much data about the Mossad from search engines and the Internet in general.

6. The Mossad is reading every single email around the world, including this one, and they can manipulate politicians and journalists to their best advantage with ease. While many joke that Bush’s speeches seem to be written by Sharon and the Mossad, I am not sure that it is not actually a reality in some cases. Just look at who his closest advisors are.

7. The NSA refused to release the satellites photos of Manhattan during 9/11. If they would, I am confident we could see the dancing Israelis on the top of the Manhattan roof.

8. There are rampant accusations over the internet that the Maryland Shooter could be only a CIA or Mossad-trained, since he is so professional. AGAIN, the NSA was requested to release satellite videos of Washington DC area, and they refused. It is no secret that the NSA is monitoring that area by satellites and reviews of the tapes could show the ‘White Van’ and its destinations. If the NSA could read a coin on the ground from a satellite, as they boasted, they should be able to identify the White Van, too.

7. In short, events will only escalate downhill for as long as we let the fox guard the chickens.
