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Islam is all stolen from Pagan spiritual allegories

The entire life-story of most biblical characters – prophets or “sons of God” – is stolen and perverted from Magnum Opus allegories including those peculiar to Slavic people. This article will examine some “Qur’anic miracles” and legends whose origins show that this is a stolen and perverted Pagan heritage.

Once a Quranic rapist fed a small amount of food to a large number of people. This is the biblical legend of Christ, who fed several thousand people with a single fish. In its purest form, this legend is in Revelation when the people of Israel eat the meat of the slain Leviathan, the jewish equivalent of the Kundalini Serpent.

Absolutely all of this goes back to countless Pagan legends including Slavic legends. The story of the magical fish that you can eat and learn the language of animals, secret wisdom or superpowers is found in all peoples. From them was born the fairy tale By the will of a pike and Pushkin’s Golden Fish. The heroes of the fairy tales eat from the magic fish or use it in some other way to gain divine knowledge and power. This fish goes back to the Vedic Flood and the giant fish Brahma.

The fish, like the Serpent, is a symbol of the feminine part of the soul. From her every power and every magical work is born. Which is symbolized by Vishnu emerging from the Fish. on bas-reliefs in India entire groups of people often emerge from fish and other large sea animals, Gods and Goddesses on a pedestal, which symbolizes that these powers, in raw form represented by wild creatures, in the course of magical work are transformed into a rebuilt heaven and place of Gods. That is why islam hates woman above Shaitan: the feminine side of the Soul is the source of the Force.

There is another similar legend, how a lousy rapist washed himself, and the dirty water that flowed from his hands was enough to wash all the others. There is such a legend among the Slavs: the devil dipped his hands into the Living Water, shook it off, and out of the droplets were born watermen and Leshiy (forest spirits).

“In Kalevala Veinemeinen wounds with an axe (lightning) his toe, and blood flows in a river and floods the whole country to the tops of the mountains; just as the German tales mention the flood that came from the toe of the giant”, etc.

From here they stole the legend of the Flood, a variant of which is all these ablutions and feeding with something one and clearly lacking to all and sundry.

There is also the story of the sighing palm tree, where a shitty rapist ordered the tree cut down to put his place of worship in its place. This is very symbolic as the jews literally cut down our culture to put their own in its place. This correlates with the way he destroyed Gentile Mecca in order to erect islamic mud on its foundations. And the tree began to sigh and grieve loudly. Sighing, grieving, or dead characters turning into trees is a traditional character in all Slavic tales and ancient Greek myths.

“According to a Lithuanian song, when Perkunas split the green oak tree, blood spurted from under its bark. Merlin was imprisoned in the tree after revealing his secrets to the Maid of the Lake.

The tree or flower rising from the hero’s grave is the traditional image of the raised Serpent. So is the coffin itself or the rock in which it is imprisoned. They were also often used to make musical instruments. Tree people, from which blood or sap spurts, go back to the world tree, the most famous image of our spine among all peoples.

The flight of the prophet pedophael to the “seventh heaven” (i.e., to the Crown Chakra) is described in many of our fairy tales: the Sivka-Burka (this is a living example of one of the many originals of al-buraka), the Humpback Horse, all kinds of Pegas and Slaypnir, the Grey Wolf and many others. Including an endless number of giant birds, many flying objects: the Flying Ship, the flying carpet etc.

This legend goes back to the visions of Brahmans and hermits in earlier Hindu versions, as well as to falling into the world of fairies in Celtic legends.

The Tower of Babel and the famous feat of Ahikar, who built the Tower between Heaven (Crown Chakra) and Earth (Base Chakra), are allegories of the Serpent Pillar.

Paradise River Kausar – stolen from the elixirs of life and purified Chakra energy.

The right and left side are used to blaspheme and insult everything related to the feminine side of the Soul/right brain and segregate from that left brain/male side of the Soul, which is also expressed in the injunction to avoid and beat one’s wives.

As for the islamic paradise, it has the same name as the Demons in islam – Jana, which is also pronounced Jinn and means Wisdom/Sophia. The age of the righteous with whom they abide in paradise – 33 years – is sivmbolic to the 33 vertebrae by which Satan’s serpent ascends, the age of Christ is also stolen from it. Paradise is overflowing with sensual pleasures, represented by the Houri maidens, as well as milk and honey. It is a Sufi symbol of the gifts of spiritual development. One in the palace of Valhalla feasts and his guests also drink the elixirs of life. The gods drink Ambrosia and are served by boys and girls of unearthly beauty. All Pagan peoples have these legends and they symbolize the fruits of spiritual development and the juices / elixirs of the Chakras. The Salsabil Cup is stolen from the Tarot Cups, which sivmolize the Chakras.

The prohibition against worshiping various deities that were “created” themselves is a stolen idea of the primal element from which everything came into being.

All the meager circumcised islamic notions of the afterlife, grave torments, and intermediate states are stolen from the fuller and more ancient originals, the Books of the Dead, particularly Indian and Tibetan, one such original being the Persian and pre-islamic Arabic myths of the Tibetan Bardo analog, which means the intermediate state. Hell or any other torment means only the fruit of spiritual decay due to lack of spiritual practice.

The bridge across the underworld to paradise, the Sirat, according to legend is not thicker than a hair, which explains that it is stolen from the Sushumna, which is also described. In Slavic regions are full of legends about the Kalin Bridge, that connects the kingdom of the living and the dead, and on which bogatyrs go and fight with Serpents / Dragons dwelling there, which confirms that this is the way of the Serpent, Sushumna. There it is also described as a thin bridge over the Death River or The River of Delusion (in Russian legends), something not to fall into. It is supposedly guarded by a three-headed Serpent, blocking the way of the hero. The connection of the idea of secret Knowledge and the world of the Dead is very symbolic, because the dead go into the reality which the Spiritual Satanist faces when he meditates, defeating it before death and defeating the death itself.

The Tibetan Book of Life mentions that depending on how one invested in one’s spiritual development while alive, one’s further journeys will take shape, as well as the wrathful deities, which are, like everything in the Bardo, the product of one’s own mind.

Everything that concerns the tasting from the heavenly and hellish trees concerns the fruits of our karma, i.e. it is stolen from the allegories of our Chakras, which can have, respectively, either pure energies programmed to give wealth, positive energies, or dirty and slaggy ones that realize misfortune and misfortune in life. The tree is the spine, the branches and twigs are the Chakras and nadis. The fruits are the fruits of our meditations or non-meditations, i.e. spiritual work or spiritual idleness. They are rife in all the Pagan Mysteries, such as the Book of the Dead, with references to the different effects on the body of different foods from different worlds.

Afanasiev. Poetic Views of the Slavs on Nature
Thegyol Bardo (Tibetan Book of the Dead).
Garuda Purana (Indian Book of the Dead)
Egyptian Book of the Dead