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The Elixir of Life and the Cup of Death

The New Age programs with the focus on the heart chakra and the hexagram will eventually result in disaster for those who believe the lies and meditate that way. The reason being, the love bombing tactics that weaken one’s own common sense and logical and reasoning abilities that the Christian and related programs use to lower defenses and suck victims in, are focused on the heart chakra, which the enemy uses viciously. Now, I’ve already gone into how the heart chakra is neuter, but what victims are led to believe is another matter.

The power and focus should always be on the 666 solar/3rd chakra. In explaining why, one can see the common sense here.

The 666 chakra is at the navel, just slightly above, but ties directly into the navel. The navel is where the embryo first receives life and nourishment from the umbilical cord attached to the mother. This is where we were all first given life.

The 666 chakra is the most important chakra. We have our power there, we heal with it and much more. The 666 chakra also has its counterpart in the 6th chakra and the pineal gland. This is the basis and foundation for the Magnum Opus.

In advancing with meditations the correct way, one will often at some point experience a sweet, minty taste in one’s mouth, especially following meditation. This lingers and is noticeable throughout the day, but becomes much stronger following meditation.

This is from the pineal gland and is the Nectar of Immortality. If you experience this, know you are meditating correctly.

Now, there is the “Cup of Poison.” This results from those who are without following New Age meditations that focus on the heart chakra. Many report the metallic taste in the mouth. Hindus know about this “poison” and warn against swallowing it and advise to spit it out.

In the 1989 movie “Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade” a fictional account of this was the basis of the movie. Of course, Jewish Hollywood had Indiana Jones battling the Nazis; the Nazis also searching for the Grail.

Because the enemy could not completely destroy all spiritual knowledge, they corrupted much of it. Those who follow their programs will pay.

Our personal Demons are our Gurus. Demons are here for spiritual knowledge and to guide us.

High Priestess Maxine Dietrich