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The Nation Of Islam Movement is Jewish

By now, most of you are well aware about the Jews and how they use and manipulate the races, namely the non whites to further their hell bent agenda of exterminating the White race.

High Priest Mageson has mentioned many times before that the NOI was founded by a Jew.

I know many of you, especially the black here, know of someone who follows this so called religious movement as it is prevalent in many black communities and is the focus of a few Rap and Hip Hop artists. The NOI is based upon the belief that Whites are the “devil” and the source of all evil in this world. And that the white race was created by an evil mad scientist named Yacub to rule over blacks for 6,000 years and after this time, the blacks will destroy the whites and cleanse the earth of them. As sick as this sounds, it is not surprising when you realize that this fucked up movement was indeed created by a Jew.

The true identity of this Jew, who went by the name Wallace. D. Fard, is unknown. According to police transcripts, he was known as a con man and even admitted that the whole NOI movement was a lie from the start and that he was in it to make all the money that he could and from FBI files, he went by 58 different aliases and was arrested for many crimes including the selling of narcotics and the promotion of human sacrifice to his followers.

The founder of Nation of Islam lied about his race [this is anti-Nazi site that mix White Nazism with jewish communism, just place “jew” instead of “Nazi” and you have the truth]

All face features of racial jew: rat face, protruding rat ears, duck nose, huge low lip…

The only photos that exist of the founder of Nation of Islam
The only photos that exist of the founder of Nation of Islam

[quote]”He had used 58 aliases, according to the FBI. The FBI in the 1950s launched an investigation into Fard’s biography as a result of skyrocketing membership into NOI. They found he had filed in the U.S. Census of 1920 that he was white and his place of birth was New Zealand. Furthermore, Fard listed on his son’s birth certificate that he was white. From wikipedia:

A marriage certificate dated June 5, 1924, was issued to Wallie Dodd Ford and Carmen Frevino (or Trevino) in Orange County, California. Ford reported he was a cook, age 26, born in Oregon, but living in Los Angeles. He reported he was of “Spanish” race. His parents names are given as Zaradodd Ford of “Madrad, Span” (presumably Madrid, Spain) and Babbjie.

The FBI tracked down his wife who claimed that she was still in contact with Fard in his homeland in New Zealand. Fard left the United States after a number of run-ins with the cops including over charges of bootlegging and narcotics. Notably, mugshots and arrest photos are the only photos to exist of him.” [end of the quote]

This doesn’t surprise me with the Jews…They infiltrate and seek out to pervert and destroy while profiting off of us gentiles.

What better way than to feeding these ideologies to the poverty stricken, uneducated and oppressed blacks of Detroit?

Mystery man

“Fard had an East Indian appearance, and was a dapper dresser with perfect white teeth and dark eyes. He told followers he was born in the holy city of Mecca, and his light-skinned appearance, courtesy of his Russian Jewish mother, was “pre-ordained” so that he could more easily mix with white people. He claimed to have attended Oxford and the University of California, and then to have begun training as a diplomat for the kingdom of Hejaz (now a part of Saudi Arabia). He was drawn to return to the United States in order to liberate the African-Americans from their “half-slave and half-free” condition. He arrived in Detroit’s Paradise Valley on July 4, 1930, in order to achieve this goal.

Fard worked the streets as silk peddler, but his real sales pitches were religious beliefs and dietary restrictions. He gained a reputation as a healer when his customers, after having adhered to the pork-free diet that Fard espoused, began noticing improvements in their health. His main goal, he often stated, was to bring salvation to African-Americans, whom he often referred to as his “lost uncle in the wilderness of North America.”

Fard taught that approximately 6,000 years ago a black scientist named Yakub conducted gene-manipulation experiments that resulted in the creation of the inferior white race. Their tainted, weakened blood was to blame for the white race’s immorality, which they frequently used to keep the black race in a perpetual state of half-freedom. His concepts attracted hundreds of followers to the Allah Temple of Islam (ATI), as he called his group.

Fard’s demise as the leader of the temple was brought upon him when, on Thanksgiving Day in 1932, one of his followers, Robert Harris, renamed Robert Karriem, committed a human sacrifice in order to bring himself closer to Allah. Karriem cited a quotation from a book entitled Secret Rituals of the Lost-Found Nation of Islam, authored by Wallace D. Fard Muhammad, which read, “The believer must be stabbed through the heart.” This quote, as well as another stating, “Every son of Islam must gain a victory from a devil. Four victories and the son will attain his reward,” convinced the Detroit Police Department — motivated in part by the anti-Muslim hysteria fueled by media coverage of the event — to seek out Fard in conjunction with the murder.”


From what I can see, this NOI movement has many followers and this will play a part in the inevitable race war here in America.

~May The Serpent Transform you and guide you to your own divinity~

High Priestess Shannon