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The Dirty Alliance of Islam and Jewish Feminism:
Women’s Military Duty: ISIS, the West, North Korea

The final nail in the coffin of women’s rights in the West, which the feminists are hammering in their own countries and want to hammer everywhere, and which the communists have already hammered in North Korea, is the most heinous jewish crime imaginable. A delicate fragile being, meant to give and nurture life, whose loss is traumatically experienced by every human soul, is sent into minefields, thrown into the defense of the Motherland as if she herself did not constitute that Motherland. The feminine sex is that magnetic force and gravity which rallies strong men around it, making them go into battle and guiding them, and in this is the most powerful feminine force. The feminine force in nature drives males, pushing them into battle and motivating them to become stronger and fight to the last man. The feminine element is the source of all male courage and will, the conquest of the world by the male comes from the attraction and the guiding magnetism of the female, as the very desire for conquest inherent in male comes from it.

In men the true force is electrical, it is conquest. In women it is magnetic, it is the attraction of the conqueror. But what can moronic jewish communism understand about the nature of things? Besides, if their goal is to destroy nature, including the part of it that fights for it. Gender is the most important human expression, the expression of all life and intelligent life as its crown. It drives all progress and development, i.e. development is conquest.

Next I will provide evidence of the same jewish handwriting in islam, feminism and communism in North Korea and similar communist paradises.

1- islam: jihad is for women and children.

جاء في حاشية الدسوقي: “ويتعين الجهاد بفجء العدو”، قال الدسوقي: “أي توجه الدفع بفجئ (مفاجأة) على كل أحد وإن امرأةً أو عبدًا أو صبيًا، ويخرجون ويخرجون ولو منعهم الولي والزوج ورب الدَّين” (حاشية الدسوقي

In the book Hashiyat al-Dussuki said: jihad becomes fard ayn (obligatory) after a sudden attack of the enemy. Dussuki said: “Where this happens, jihad immediately becomes fard ayn for everyone, even women, slaves and children, and they go out even if their guardians, husbands and masters forbid them to do so.”
Ibn Khaldun

جاء في نهاية المحتاج لللرملي: “فإن دخلوا بلدة لنا وصار بيننا وبينهم دون مسافة القصر فيلزم أهلها الدفع حتى من لا جهاد عليهم، من فقير ووولد وعبد ومدين وامرأة” (نهاية المحتاج.

“If they enter our city and there is a short distance between us and them, its inhabitants are obliged to fight back, even those who are not obliged to perform Jihad, whether they are a poor man, a child, a slave, a debtor or a woman.”
Nihayat al-Mukhtaj, Shihab al-Ramli

We have all heard anecdotes that the only place where a muslim lets a woman go forward is a minefield. This is not an anecdote, officially the quran obliges women to fight to the death, though it does not promise 72 virgins for doing so. We all hear from the news about crazy jihadist women committing terrorist attacks. They have been involved in virtually every known terrorist attack. ISIS has military conscription for its muslim women.

The Quran and islamic literature is simply littered with terrorist islamic wars in which islamist women have been directly involved, and further you will see that this is not just an example for islamic youth, it is also powerful jewish numerology. Notice the ever-recurring number 12. 12 wounds.

The daughter of one of the Prophet’s companions named Ka’b Ansari, Nasiba, participated in battles as a warrior. In the battles that took place even after the Prophet’s death, Nasiba continued to participate. In the battle of Yamameh, which took place in the 11th year of Hijrah against the false prophet Musaylim, Nasiba received 12 wounds.

Nusayba bint Ka’b (d. 634) was a member of the Banu Najjar tribe and one of the first muslim converts in Medina. As a companion of the Prophet Muhammad, she was credited with many virtues. She is most notable for her participation in the Battle of Uhud (625 AD), in which she carried sword and shield and fought against Mecca. She shielded the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) from the enemies during the battle and even sustained several spear and arrow wounds as she rushed to his defense. It is said that after the twelfth wound, Nusaybah fell unconscious and the first thing she asked when she regained consciousness was: “Did the prophet survive?”.

Nusayba’s sister participated in the same battle.

A woman named Leila from the Bani Ghaffar family fought in battles while the Prophet was still alive. About 30 years later, she was in the army of Imam Ali who was on his way to the battle of Jamal.

Muhammad’s youngest wife herself, Aisha became a jihadi widow after her husband’s death. She had just turned 18 years old. And from memory of this is called the “Battle of the Camel” when Aisha rode a camel and led the troops. This stolen allegory is discussed in more detail here.

These are just a few examples from islamic literature, as no prophet existed, as all his friends and bullshit, these perfect jihadis were made up to curse all the following generations for it. 12 is the number of the Hanged Man of the Tarot and delays in a state of potential suffering and going through hardship for some higher purpose, a very powerful biblical number of the curse of the Gentiles, since, just as 7 completes 6 to perfection, 13 completes 12 to perfection in astrology and allows for the completion of the Magnum Opus. Concentrating on the number 12 without 13, or 13 taken away by others and constantly attributed only to another (jewish) nation or “allah” is perpetual self-sacrifice without reward, where someone else gets the reward for the labor. Remember, only one prophet flew to the seventh heaven. This is an example of how women are cursed in islam with the most powerful spiritual weapon of all – numbers.

From its inception until now, islam has maintained this heinous practice: what is happening in Europe now – A quote:

«Report: Hundreds of women from Europe leave to join IS jihadists

At least 550 women from Western Europe have traveled to Syria and Iraq to join the Islamic State group, according to a report released by the Institute for Strategic Dialogue, an independent think tank.

“At the same time, these women are now energetically encouraging others through social media to carry out attacks,” Ross Frennet said.

He says there are examples of muslim women living in the West being told: if you can’t get to IS-controlled territories, organize the battlefield yourself, all around you, and the main role model is what happened recently in Paris.

“They are extremely happy with what happened there,” the expert adds.”

– BBC data as of January 28, 2015

2. North Korea: the highest-paying career for women is the army.

Military service in North Korea:

– Women in the DPRK are required to serve a minimum of seven years; service for men is 10 years, one of the longest conscription periods in the world.
– By some estimates, about 40 percent of women between the ages of 18 and 25 wear uniforms – a number expected to rise soon, as military service became mandatory for women only two years ago.
– According to the authorities, military expenditures account for about 15% of the country’s budget, but experts are inclined to think that this figure could be as high as 40%.
– Gifted students with aptitude for sports or music can avoid military service.
Source – BBC data as of November 22, 2017 according to escaped ex-servicewoman Lee So-young.

Further, it is now fashionable to accuse any media outlet of paying refugees to provide exaggerated information about North Korea, (if the official 7 years of service for women, which the DPRK itself does not hide, can be exaggerated at all), but there is a medical fact that is the same for all countries that allow women to serve, voluntarily or not, is their loss of fertility, i.e. infertility. Namely:

Quote from the same place:

“The grueling training and ever-shrinking diets gradually began to take a toll on the health of Lee So-young and other military girls.
“After six months or a year of service, our menstrual cycles stopped due to constant malnutrition and stress. The women said they were happy about the lack of menstruation. They were happy about it because the situation was so dire that if they had their periods, it would have been even worse,” she says.

Lee So-young says that during her time in the army, intimate hygiene products were not provided for female soldiers, so she and her fellow soldiers often had no choice but to use pads multiple times.

“ Women still use traditional cotton pads. Every night they have to be washed away from male gazes, so the women get up early and wash them,” says Juliette Morillo.

More recently, she spoke with other female DPRK soldiers who confirmed that their menstrual periods often stop.
“ One of the girls I interviewed was only 20 years old. She said she practiced so hard that she hadn’t had a period in two years,“ Morillo says.””


This is circumstantial evidence of the famine quotes as well, since famine coupled with military activity produces this result. Communist paradise is defended by a starving female army of sexually diseased dystrophic women…..

What follows is news and real petitions in countries we used to call “developed”, and this is what we are (((inculcated))) to call development in them.

3. Feminists are fighting for compulsory military service for women

When I think of a so-called developed country, I think of advanced art, high technology, high level of comfort and education, and most importantly, medicine. But that’s what they call “development” now, and what makes one doubt that these countries are still First World countries, and that they had all the great past and history that I studied in school, in other words, that they have even traveled the path of development that they have traveled, and are direct descendants of those great European peoples, and not some other peoples now inhabiting the land of such, long extinct. Further news.


“Back in the 1970s, when there was a big push to ratify the Equal Rights Amendment (ERA), critics argued that it would allow women to be drafted into the military. Even ardent feminists who actively lobbied for the ERA had such concerns. As Betty Frydan noted in her memoir, Life So Far Away, “the one ERA issue I had a hard time fighting was conscription. …. “Do you want women to be drafted?” – time and again I was asked over and over again. Now I couldn’t imagine marching with a banner that said I want women drafted into the army. After all, I was very much against the Vietnam War. But I decided that while I was not in favor of anyone being drafted, if there was again a just and necessary war like World War II, there would be no reason for women not to be drafted.”

But what was once considered an extreme feminist position is now recognized by most conservatives. At Saturday’s Republican debate, candidates were asked about whether women should sign up for the draft, and everyone who was asked agreed in principle. Yesterday, Ted Cruz came out against extending the draft to women, but he seems to be in the minority in his party. Sure, the Army is now completely voluntary. But it is by no means a permanent condition. That the idea of conscripting women is no longer controversial is an indication of some progress.”

Reading this really makes me wonder if the descendants of those geniuses who wrote all that great music whose signals are now heard from space (Mozart’s 40th symphony), all those great paintings whose secret layers are still being explored and not all yet discovered, are really descendants of those geniuses? Are these the people whose ancestors instilled in us – other nations – the ideals of gentle and reverent treatment of women, of chivalry and nobility, of appreciating beauty? If these are the ones, what have they done with their blood!!!?

Then you see these (((human rights activists))) fighting for women’s “right” to abuse, physical violence and mass murder. Who allowed these maniacs and monsters on the internet?


“The requirement that only men – and not women – register for the draft is one of the latest examples of overt sex discrimination written into our federal law. Today, we joined with two young men and the National Coalition for Men (NCFM) in calling on the U.S. Supreme Court to put an end to it.

Under the Selective Military Service Act of 1948, men in this country must celebrate their 18th birthday by registering in the Selective Service System, a list of people who can be drafted if the government authorizes a draft. Although there has been no conscription since 1973, young men are still required to register or else face serious penalties.

As long as the government requires young men to register for the draft, requiring men but not women to do so is sex discrimination. That’s why we are asking the Supreme Court to declare male-only registration unconstitutional.”

The ACLU joined two young men and the NCFM, who initially brought a challenge to men-only registration in 2013, to help bring their case to the Supreme Court. Representing an organization called the “National Coalition For Men” may seem like an unlikely way to advance women’s rights, and to be clear, the ACLU firmly opposes some of NCFM’s positions and activities. In this case, however, we share the common goal of ending an antiquated federal law that harms both men and women. And if the Supreme Court agrees, it could be one of the most significant constitutional advances in sex discrimination law in 25 years.”

Having experience in translating literature on women’s health issues and the state of affairs in this regard in the West, I assume that these bastards will make it harder and harder for a woman to prove that she cannot serve for health reasons, e.g. if a woman cites painful periods, she will be forcefully put on hormones, since refusal will be tantamount to a “ failure to perform the capital duty”. If the hormones don’t help, but only cause tumors to grow (as they usually do), she will be offered to have her uterus removed. Of course, this will primarily apply to citizens, not some islamic migrants. Basically, everything is being done with the goal of eradicating the White Race.

I consider women’s military obligation to be a form of international terrorism (by definition, terrorism is the waging of war against civilians, which women are designed to be by nature) and the highest degree of gender discrimination and human rights violation. It is the denial of a human right to be themselves and live the life that nature has given them, the forcing of inevitable injury and death, and the forcing of circumstances of lack of necessary help. It is also the condemnation of a nation to defeat in the first war and to genocide, since the mass death and failure of the fertile element will result in the immediate death of the nation or inevitable demographic catastrophe, even in the case of a victor, inevitable assimilation by nearby surviving peoples. It is therefore a form of terrorism and national genocide, and as such this capital crime and capital treason should have no expiration date. If it comes from within a nation, it is a form of high treason, as it condemns one’s own country to death.

I think that feminism as it became now must be outlawed as dangerous and harmful to women’s health and life, men – obligated to protect Motherland by law, while islam – considered automatically criminal and punished by death penalty.