Russia: Putin, Islam and Russian multiculturalism | Martinez’s politics
“You strike first, we will answer, and we, as the righteous, will go to heaven, while you… will just die” – V. Putin, about Ukraine
We are not equal. Our dead are in paradise; your dead are in hell.” – disciples of mohammad
[cf. Ibn Ishaq (1955) 380—388, cited in Peters (1994) p. 219]
“I will not raise a finger to save a Russian, who disrespectfully treated the quran” – V. Putin
“We see ourselves fighting together with our muslim brothers, who want more free more peaceful… want to integrate like our [jewish] forefathers once integrated into West Europe 120 years ago. And they are our natural allies.”
– Rabbi Pinchas Goldschmidt, the president of the Conference of European Rabbis
“Norwegian women must take responsibility for the fact that Muslim men find their manner of dress provocative. And since these men believe women are responsible for rape, the women must adapt to the multicultural society around them.”
– Feminist Professor Unni Wikan
Christianity, islam and communism are same agenda
Feminism’s real service to women: what real feminism stands for
The Dirty Alliance of Islam and Jewish Feminism:
Women’s Military Duty: ISIS, the West, North Korea
Muslim & Jewish Destruction of Sweden, Denmark and Norway:
Full Proof that Feminism is a Hoax
Feminism IS islam:
Crown of Celibacy. The Religion of Betrayal
Feminism IS islam part 2:
the religion that promotes male weakness, dependence and loss
Christianity advocates microchips
Muslim immigration and the Jew World Order [microchipping humans] are pushed by the same people
Big Jew Theory: Pulsating Universe hoax’ connection to kaballah fully exposed
An Orgy of jews, garbage and feces:
Islam, Communism and Trash Mountains
Black cube of the jew age:
full exposure of “love” tactics of jew age, islam and christianity
All kike programs are united by the same atrocities